2.5 hr course video with notes and explanations

The Effortless Literature Review

► Step-by-step system from idea to finding relevant publications.
► Leverage Litmaps to find, prioritize and keep track of papers.
► Learn importance filtering to cut reading volume by 75%.
► Find reference gaps in any publication (even your own).
► Learn to use modern AI and discovery tools to finish fast.

The regular price is 30$. If you are from a lower income country, contact me for a discount.

Who is this for?

Transform your research, if you...

► …feel you can't read everything that you'd want to
► ...want to get to know cutting edge yet simple software and AI
► …feel ambitious to excel in your field of research
► …don't want to rely on journals to decide what is important
► ...are an interdisciplinary researcher and need insights fast

Literature discovery can be tedious.But it can be automated with tools and AI. We will build our own personal literature discovery engine.The components are:
Sciteai and Google Scholar to find "seed" publications.
Litmaps to find every relevant publication.
Zotero to gather PDFs
• Scholarcy and SciSpace to help with understanding.
Obisidian to take notes and visualize our collection.

What's in it?

Zero-to-Hero Workshop

► 2.5hr of video suitable for absolutely all skill levels.
► Extensive Questions & Answers asked by other academics.
► Access to a private discord chat, for 1-on-1 discussions.
► All software used is available on Mac or PC.
► Receive discount codes for paid tools.

After these 2.5 hours you will have no trouble discovering, keeping track and organizing your literature.We will not only dive into how to discover literature, but also how to identify what is important.We will learn a technique to organize your literature visually and leverage our spatial memory. Obsidian Canvas is a simple interactive mindmap of your notes/papers.

Leverage visual discovery of publications

Litmaps: Effortless Discovery

If you have followed me on Twitter, you have seen my reviews on many discovery tools. But one of them keeps coming back: Litmaps.It stands out in its simplicity, sophistication and innovation. That is why 2 hours is enough to make you into a Litmaps expert.Set it up once and click a button to automate your discovery process.

Why Litmaps:► Discovers new literature in seconds.
► Upload your existing bibliography and fill out the gaps.
► Set up reminders for new publications based on your interests.
► It visualizes your research and makes it more intuitive.
► Enjoy working with elegant software.
Litmaps is a payed tool: 10$ a month. But it solves an absolute critical challenge: Literate review. This can make or break your entire career.Besides, the free version is quite powerful. They offer a 50% discount for people in countries with lower income and this course will get you a 20% OFF.